
Oba Of Lagos Calls for Patience for Good Governance, Lauds Radio Nigeria For People-Oriented Programmes

Adeyemi Adesanya

Nigerians have been advised to be patient with the federal government and cooperate with the current administration in its quest to reposition the socio -economic situation of the country, towards a better and rewarding future.

The Oba of Lagos, Oba Riliwan Aremu Akiolu gave the advice while playing host to the Director General of Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Dr Muhammed Bulama, and other top management staff of the corporation in his palace at lga- lduganran on Lagos lsland.

Oba Akiolu who identified that lack of patriotism , greed and corruption among Nigerians, as some of the problems that has slowed down the pace of development in the country, expressed optimism that the country will over come major challenges confronting her and come out stronger and better.

Oba Akiolu also called for the revamp of the National Orientation Agency, NOA to strengthen the sensitization of Nigerians on the Renewed Hope Agenda of the current administration and other activities of government that will make them voluntarily contribute their quota towards a better Nigeria.

Oba Akiolu commended the FRCN for being the hallmark of broadcasting and promised to support its sustained quality programming especially at the grassroots.

Speaking on the economy, Oba Akiolu called for a review of the tax collection system in the country, to ensure all eligible Nigerian pay their tax.

The monarch also called wealthy Nigerians to invest more in putting smiles on the face of the down trodden to reduce the rate of crime in the country.

Earlier, the Director General of FRCN, Dr Muhammed Bulama, described his visit as a homecoming because of his long standing relationship with the monarch and thanked Oba Akiolu for his fatherly role and support for the operations of the FM stations under FRCN Lagos operations, most especially the indigenous language station, Bond 92.9 FM.

Dr Bulama also used the medium to solicit for the monarch’s support in tackling all the problems hindering the smooth operations of the FRCN stations in Lagos

The FRCN Boss announced that the management is also committed to revive the medium wave Bands of the corporation to cover the entire more effectively.

Dr Bulama noted that with over forty five FM stations across the country, FRCN has the capacity to effectively inform, educate and entertain Nigerians on the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President Bola Tinubu administration.

The climax of the event was the presentation of gifts to the monarch.

Among the entourage of the FRCN Director General, were Director Lagos Operations, Mrs Bolanle Owoyemi, the Director lnternal Audit, Mr Dan Audi, Director Finance, Mr lbrahim Bako, Director Engineering Services, Mr Damboama Sandra.

Others are Director Administration, Mrs Bukola Adedeji, Director National Broadcast Academy, Mr Dandadi Kwache General Manager, Bond FM, Mrs Adenike Adegoke, Deputy Director Legal services, Mrs Bukola Shonibare and the Special Assistant to the DG, Mallam Sulaimon Musa.

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