Protein based poultry feeds are safe for animal origins … recommends MBM … NAFDAC

To ameliorate the problem of low-level of protein intake, the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control, NAFDAC, has advocated stronger efforts among stakeholders to bring about massive production of protein based livestock and poultry feeds at competitive prices.

Head, Animal Feed and Premix Division, NAFDAC, Dr. Tunde Sigbeku made the call while sensitizing poultry farmers on the nutritional value of feeds at the Agro Merit Industrial outreach at poultry a poultry show in Abeokuta, Ogun State.

Dr. Sigbeku said, and I quote, ” Foods that are equipped with various nutritional values are readily available in the market including the nutritional supplements adding that, the growing popularity of nutritional supplements is leading to the discovery of other types of supplements such as Bone meal supplement”.

” Bone meal supplements are available in capsule, powder, and liquid form and are used in a variety of applications such as fertilizers, animal feed, nutrition and nutraceuticals, dietary supplements pointing out that, the growing influence is not only seen among humans but also animals “. Sigbeku

Also, Dr. Rametu Momodu, Director  Veterinary Medicine and Allied Products, VMAP, on her part believe that, working together with the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) at the National level will encourage development of the industry through efficient Regulatory Practices.

Regulation of Premix, ” Regulation of Animal Feed Premix is being reviewed especially the imported premix and I assure everyone that the regulation of premix will be effectively implemented without running down any business”. Momodu

” VMAP under my leadership will ensure efficient administration and effective delivery on the directorate mandate through:

Open door policy, Science based approach to issues, collaboration and corporation with all stakeholders “.

She explained that, ”  NAFDAC Act Cap N1 LFN section 5(a – e), and 5(s) empowers the Agency to regulate animal feeds, veterinary drugs, cosmetics and chemicals used in animal production, the regulation of animal feed is done to assure the production of safe feed, noting that, safe feed is the assurance of safe food especially food of animal origin such as eggs, meat, milk, and diary products because whatever is feed to the animals goes into the human system as well “.

” VMAP was structured into four divisions with Animal Feed and Premix Division (AFPD) fully dedicated to animal nutrition regulation at National level. AFPD regulatory activities covers animal feed (including medicated feed), Pet Food, Animal Feed Additives, Supplements and Premixes, therefore, ” the mission of the Directorate is to protect human and animal health by ensuring that only safe and effective veterinary medicine and allied products are available for use in Nigeria and the vision is to safeguard the Health of the Nation through One health approach “. Momodu

Director, Agro Merits, Mr. Sampson  Odipe, Said because NAFDAC is concerned about the health of the people, ” It is essential that whatever we are producing is safe and has all the necessary nutrients for human consumption, pointing out that, without the law that guides us, NAFDAC has helped to guide us in terms of advice and enlightenment “.

According to him, ” MBM is one of the sources of animal protein, and NAFDAC in its efforts of ensuring that safe and healthy products are in circulation, recently carried out investigation on MFM, to ascertain the ingredients used in the production of MFM, it’s findings showed that MFM contained the necessary ingredients and nutrients as well as cost effective compared to other poultry feeds “.

” On local production of feeds, he said not everything can be produced in Nigeria, considering the high cost of production, I can bring in investors, but there is a challenge, Where can I get 100 tonnes of byproducts used in manufacturing the MFM “. he asked

Explaining the need to feed the animals with the right kinds of feeds, the NAFDAC Official Dr Sigbeku stressed that, ” MBM is the rendered product from mammalian tissues, including bone but exclusive of blood, hair, hoof, horn, hide trimmings, manure, and stomach and rumen contents “.

Explaining further, ” Regulations and directives vary worldwide and from country to country, however, MBM can be used nutritionally in all non- ruminant species of livestock and poultry and as an aquaculture rations to provide protein, amino acids, Phosphorus, Calcium, energy, and other nutrients.

The specific composition of MBM he said, can vary depending on the raw materials used, the rendering process and other elements, nothing that, MBM is known for its high protein content, ranging from 40% to 60% or even higher, Fat content: Meat and bone meal may also contain variable amounts of fat, ranging from 10% to 20% or higher

Pointing out that,  MBM can be a source of minerals and vitamins, though the levels can vary, It may contain essential minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus and Zinc, and Vitamins like vitamin B12 and vitamin A. Because MBM is used as sources of phosphorus and calcium in livestock /poultry feeding, It’s also good sources of trace element and can either be mixed with concentrate, supplements or used in lick in the field (Gohl, 1981), as it contains quality proteins, lots of lysine that provides growth and tissue repair, provides the daily amount of energy that animals need, it is often preferred in the feeding of poultry.

” It’s commonly used as a protein source in livestock and poultry feed, providing essential amino acids and minerals for animal growth and development, MBM is also used in pet food to enhance the nutritional value of pet diets, particularly in formulated feeds for cats and dogs “. He said

Some other specific ways in which MBM is used are, fish feed for aquaculture

Biogas production, through anaerobic digestion and can be broken down by microorganisms without oxygen, producing biogas. MBM can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility and structure.

Stressing that adding MBM to compost piles can increase the nutrient content of the compost, providing a source of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium for the decomposition process, animal feed supplements are often used as a source of Calcium and Phosphorus in specialized animal feed supplements, such as mineral blocks or lick tubs “.