
Confusion as Truck sticks under Ijeshatedo pedestrian bridge

There was confusion this morning at Ijeshatedo , along Mile two- Oshodi expressway, when an heavy-duty vehicle carrying sand, detached and got stuck under the pedestrian bridge at bus stop.

The incident which occured in the early hours of the day, led to a major crack at the middle of the bridge.

According to residents who stay around the express, a huge noise was heard as the attachment of the long vehicle tumbled and hung under the pedestrian bridge.

“The driver ran away, they should find solution to it before it becomes a disaster because this bridge may collapse anytime” a passer-by stated.

This has affected free flow of movement for motorists enroute Oshodi as officials of Lagos State Traffic Management Agency, the Police and other relevant agencies were seen at the scene, ensuring safety and free flow of movement.

Residents say the driver of the Vehicle drove off with the other part of the truck, to escape arrest.

A similar incident occured at about ten years ago, leading to remodeling and increase in height of the damaged bridge.

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