
ENDSARS Anniversary: Police Command Proscribes Street Protests in Lagos

The Police Command in Lagos State says it has not agreed to allow street protests in commemoration of the one year EndSARS anniversary on 20th October, 2021, contrary to insinuations on the social media .

In a statement, the
Command’s Public Relations Officer, CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu explained that the police would only allow an indoor and virtual event in commemoration of the EndSARS anniversary and would provide adequate security at the venue (s) if known, in recognition of rights of every Nigerian to express his or her interest.

According to CSP Ajisebutu, intelligence at the police disposal revealed plans by some faceless groups or individuals to stage an anti-EndSARS anniversary protest in the state same day.

He said in view of the conflicting interest between the pro and anti- EndSARS anniversary groups and attendant implications on public safety, the Command considers it inappropriate to allow such protests to hold and
once again warns both groups against any form of street protest between now and 20th October, 2021 and beyond to avoid a recurrence of the gory protests of last year during which some innocent Nigerians including police officers were gruesomely murdered, private and public property plundered and maliciously destroyed.

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