
Hope For Cross River Gorillas,Others

As State Partners WCS on forests management

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Cross River State Government on December 20, 2021, have signed a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to protect endangered gorillas and other animal species in the state.

Dr. Inyang Asibong, in the Cross River State Ministry of International Development Cooperation, represented the Governor, Senator Prof. Ben Ayade, at the MOU signing ceremony.

The MoU is for the “Collaboration and Mutual Support for the Management and Protection of Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mbe Mountains”.

In his remark, Dr Asibong noted that “the continuous protection, maintenance and rehabilitation of wildlife and their sanctuaries is a top priority for Cross River State”.
According to her, “we must do everything possible to preserve our remaining wildlife as it has unquantifiable benefits for mankind”.

The WCS, Cross River Landscape Director, Dr. Inaoyom Imongexplained the importance of Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mbe Mountains, stating that “Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mbe Mountains in Boki LGA are internationally recognised biodiversity hotspots, supporting important populations of endangered species such as the Cross River gorilla and Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee.”

 The WCS Nigeria Country Director, Andrew Dunn, stated that “Cross River State is the most important site for biodiversity in the country and that WCS is proud to partner with Cross River State Government to help save the flagship sites of Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mbe Mountains and their endangered wildlife.”

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