
Most personal impact of climate change is on smallholder farmers — CEO, CAAF2024

The Chief Executive Officer and Convener of Climate Action Africa Forum (CAAF24) Ms Grace Mbah, says the most personal impact of climate change is on smallholder farmers.

Mbah said this while delivering an address of welcome at the CAAF 2024 which began on Wednesday in Lagos.

The theme of CAAF24 is Green Economies, Brighter Futures: Innovating and Investing in Africa’s Climate Smart Development.

Mbah said that smallholder farmers, like her mother, who make up 60 per cent of our population and produce 90 per cent of our food are greatly impacted by climate change.

“Their lives and livelihoods are on the frontlines of this existential threat,” Mbah said.

Mbah said that the challenges of climate change are stark, adding that Africa is warming nearly faster than any other region, with 130 million people at risk from rising sea levels.

“How we react to the challenges we encounter is up to us, the stories we choose to write of ourselves is up to us.

“We at Climate Action Africa live on the premise that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. As Margaret Meed put it,

“In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

“So, we choose to push ourselves continually, to innovate, and invest in the future we want for Africa. A future that is sustainable, green, prosperous and harmonious with nature. That is the story of Africa we choose to write,” Mbah said.

According to her, it is this drive that motivates us to boldly announce today the launch of our ‘Billion Trees for Africa’ Initiative under our community programs.

She said that the ambitious project is aimed at addressing environmental degradation and enhance the ecological and economic resilience of African communities.

“As we celebrate the vibrant innovations happening across our continent.

“Following the registration of over 800 innovators for the CAAF24 deal room, and the selection of outstanding projects for today’s pitch, we reaffirm our commitment to nurturing innovators and climate solutions through our new Pan-African Green Economy Program (PAGE).

” Created in partnership with IDEA AFRICA and the Founder Institute, PAGE aims to support 5,000 innovators across the continent by 2035,” Mbah said.

Mbah said that CAAF recognises the critical role of investment in climate action and is proud to support the Pan African Climate Action Fund.

She explained that the fund is a 20 million dollars initial investment fund, co-created by dedicated Africans, which seek to empower small growing businesses and startups in the energy, agriculture, circularity and transportation sectors.

She expressed gratitude to the sponsors, innovator, inventors and exhibitors at the forum for making the summit a success.

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