
NAWOJ national gets new leadership as Aisha Ibrahim takes mantle of office.

Lagos State chapter of the Nigerian Association of Women Journalists, (NAWOJ),  has congratulated Comrade Aisha Ibrahim Bura, on her emergence as the new President of the association.

Comrade Bura was declared winner after polling 498 votes against Comrade Ladi Bala, the incumbent president, who polled 381 votes, in the election held at the Maryam Babangida Center for Women Development, Abuja on November 25, 2023.

In a press release signed by the Chairperson, NAWOJ, Lagos State Chapter, Dr. Adeola Ekine and the Secretary, Comrade Lilian Ario, the chapter also congratulated other elected members of the new Exco, especially the newly elected Vice President of B Zone, Comrade Adeola Adekunle, and Comrade Aisha Cole, Assistant National Secretary, who is a member of the Lagos State chapter, on their well-deserved victory.

NAWOJ Lagos chapter ” is optimistic that the victory of Hajia Bura at the just concluded 11th Triennial Delegates Conference shall spell a new beginning for NAWOJ and open greater opportunities to female journalists across Nigeria, ” wishing them a successful and progressive tenure.


Also, the Ogun State Chapter of the  association has congratulated all women journalists in Nigeria on the successful hosting of the delegate conference which produced Comrade Aisha Bura as the new national Chairperson of the Association for the next three years.

A statement signed by the Chapter’s Chairperson, Comrade Sekinat Salam Opebiyi described the emergence of Comrade Aisha Bura as a testament that women Journalists spoke in one voice for the progress of the Association.

Comrade Sekinat Salam Opebiyi who urged the National President to extend an olive branch to all stakeholders also implored the newly inaugurated executives to sustain the unity and chart a sustainable path of progress for the association.

While congratulating the Assistant National Secretary, Comrade Aishat Cole, the Vice Chairperson of B Zone, Comrade Adeola Adekunle and Zonal Secretary for the Zone, Comrade Adeola Adewole for emerging victorious in the elections, Comrade Sekinat Salaam Opebiyi also assured the new leaders of the readiness and commitment of women journalists in Ogun State towards advancing the course of NAWOJ. 


The  Ekiti state Chapter of NAWOJ, also congratulated the newly elected President of the Association, Comrade Aisha Ibrahim on her electoral Victory.

Ekiti NAWOJ in a press release signed by the Chairperson, Mrs Fatima Bello and the Secretary Mrs Adewumi Ademiju also rejoiced with Comrade Adeola Adekunle on her emergence as the Vice President of B Zone.

While also congratulating all women Journalists and the just concluded administration on a successful transition, the statement “tasked the newly elected executives on robust performances for the development of the Association”.


In the same vain, the association in Jigawa state has thrown it’s weight behind the newly elected national Exco for the next three years.

In a press release signed by both the Chairperson Comrade Hauwa Ladan, of the state NAWOJ, ” the state chapter is confident that Comrade Bura ‘s leadership will take Nawoj to a greater heights,which will sustain the reputation of women journalist in Nigeria in uphold the ethics of the profession “, She extends her heartiest congratulations and pray to a successful tenure.


The Kaduna counterpart of NAWOJ, on its part has expressed satisfaction over the emergence of Comrade Aisha Ibrahim Bura as President, and the national auditor Jamila Abubakar Chinwe and zone A Secretary Daharatu Ahmed Aliyu believing their emergence will unite NAWOJIANS and bring development to the association.

In a press statement signed by the Chairperson, Comrade Fatima Aliyu Mahuta and the Secretary, Comrade Maureen Sheyin, Kaduna Nawoj while congratulating the national officers, described them as great team that would bring development to all.

The statement appreciated all the states in zone A for their unflinching support that led to our victory and  tasks the newly elected National Executives on robust performance for the development of the Association and towards enhancing unity among members.

” NAWOJ Kaduna assures you of our cooperation as your team works towards achieving a greater NAWOJ “.

We also rejoice over the re-election of deputy President, Lilian Okonkwo Ogabu; the National Secretary, Wasilah Ibrahim-ladan; National Treasurer, Fatimah Rasheed; National Financial secretary, Ifeoma Aka; Assistant National Secretary, Aisha Cole, and National Auditor, Jemilah Abubakar on their resounding victory.”


Again, the Abia state Chapter, NAWOJ rejoice with President Aisha Ibrahim Bura on her emergence as the New NAWOJ President.

In a Press Release signed by the Chairperson Abia NAWOJ, Comrade Josephine Ogwo and the Secretary Comrade Sally Anyaso ,the Chapter also congratulated the newly elected members of Zone C on their well deserved victory, wishing them success as they take up the responsibilities of their high offices.

” Our dear President, we pray that your Administration will bring Peace, Unity and impact all NAWOJANS across the country and your tenure will be successful, adding that, the Almighty God to endue you with Divine wisdom, good health as you take up the big responsibility “.Ogwo

Abia NAWOJ assures you and your Team of our cooperation as you work to build our great Association.


We write to congratulate you for coming out victorious.

” Our New National Chairperson Ma, your resounding victory at the delegates conference shows the love and confidence NAWOJIANS have in you “. Says the Niger State Chairperson, NAWOJ,  Rabi Sarki Bello, in a statement.

NAWOJ Niger congratulates you and your other Executives. ” We pray that God Almighty will guide, direct and give you the needed strength as well as wisdom to move our dear association forward “.

” Be rest assured that NAWOJ Niger is ready to work with you and your entire Executives for a greater NAWOJ, ” we wish you a successful tenure “. Bello

The new National Chairperson, Comrade Aisha Ibrahim works with the Borno State Ministry of Information and before now, a two – term NUJ Vice president of the zone.

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