
Travel Agencies lament epileptic international travel portal

The National Association of Nigerian Travel Agencies, NANTA, wants the Federal Government to take action in addressing complaints associated with the international travel portal.

In a chat with reporters in Lagos, the President of NANTA, Mrs. Susan Akporiaye says, it was becoming difficult for their clients to access the portal as its breaks down frequently.

According to her, the technology company handling the website was not doing a good job because passengers undergo a lot of stress trying to log in.

She said, without certain information generated from the portal, passengers would not be allowed to board.

“At this point, it has to do with the technology company that is powering that site because today, the site is up, the next day it is down knowing fully well that people cannot boarded without the form being filled online”.

The NANTA President also called on the government to consider reviewing downward the cost of the Covid test as obtained in other countries.

“The prices for this test should seriously be looked into and reviewed downward it happens all the world even in the UK. Initially when you have to do that day two and day eight tests,you know what the cost was, it started with over €200 to do the day two and day eight, now it is done for less that a €100 so, it should not be different for us in Nigeria”.

Mrs. Akporiaye stressed that, with the advent of Covid, traveling by air especially international had become stressful for most people because of certain documentation needed to travel like the Covid test result, generating the QR code from the portal amongst others.

She said, this stress could be reduced to encourage more people to travel if complaints by travel agencies and passengers were adequately addressed.

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