
WED: Nigeria Aviation take steps to address Co2 emission reduction.

As the world celebrated World Environment Day, the global aviation Industry through its regulatory body, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO has assured of its commitment to ensuring a cleaner world through its campaign on the reduction of carbon emission, CO2.

In Nigeria, the aviation industry is embarking on a campaign tagged Green Sky Green geared towards reduction in Co2 emissions.

Aircraft engines produce emissions that are similar to other emissions resulting from fossil fuel combustion.

Recognising the emissions effects on the environment, the international Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO came up with an initiative called the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, CORSIA to lower CO₂ emissions for international flights and to curb the aviation impact on climate change.

The Director General, ICAO, Juan Carlos Salazar says, carbon emission reduction is a key priority for ICAO.
“To make determined efforts to address and decrease Co2 emissions”.

The ICAO initiative still in its pilot and first phase until 2026 is voluntary for member states.

Minister of Aviation Senator Hadi Sirika has pledged Nigeria’s commitment to participating in the programme.
“Nigeria will continue to support ICAO initiative and collaborate with them member states and development partners for the development of air transport in Africa”.
Today, the global Aviation Industry is said to contribute
less than 5% of global carbon emissions footprint.
To further reduce this percentage, Nigeria has come up with a home grown climate smart Sustainable
Aviation Solutions that meet the aspirations, ambitions and emerging opportunities for operators, regulators, travel consumers and the planet.

This solution was recently launched at the African Indian Ocean Conference in Abuja called the Green Sky Green Nigeria.

Director General, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu explains the Green Sky Green initiative.

“Green-Sky-Green is the first Eco-Citizen Flyer Miles Label tokens to mitigate Aviation Industry Carbon that guarantee Bio-Diversity and Eco-System Emission Footprint beyond the ICAO’s CORSIA scheme in Nigeria through Forest Impact programs that deploys incentive-base voluntary Eco conservation to combat desertification and protect
wetlands for SDG Goals 14 and 15″.

He emphasized that, the program is voluntary with lots of incentives.

“Nobody is going to force anybody to participate but there are going to be incentives, good incentives. We are in discussions with many organisations who want to be associated with this program and willing to give services and products for free to sensitise the passengers to participate in this program”.

Achieving Co2 emissions reduction in the industry will be a huge challenge but it is achievable if all stakeholders commit to ensuring a cleaner and greener environment.

By Nosa Aituamen

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