
FCT School Administrators Trained On Standard Operating Guidelines

The Federal Capital Territory Administration’s Education Secretariat has reiterated commitment to continue to formulate policies that would improve the quality and standards of education in the territory.

The Permanent Secretary FCTA, Mr Olusade Adesola gave the assurance while declaring opened, a workshop organized to build the capacity of School Administrators on the use of School Operational Manual in Abuja.

Mr Adesola, represented by the FCTA Secretary For Education, Malam Sani Dahiru El-katuzu urged the participants to take the training seriously, towards attaining the set goal of providing quality education for all.

He warn that accessement would be carried out to evaluate the performance of participants, even as he hinted, that each participant is expected to step down the knowledge garnered to their subordinates.

” The Guidelines cannot work if the Administrator are not trained . The Administrators needs to know what is inside the manual and how to apply it. That’s why we organized the training to get the desired result” El- Katuzu said

The Director Department Of Policy Planning Research and Statistics Dr Sani Ladan said the training is programmed to build the capacity of 2966 School Administrators, Head teachers and Principals drawn from both primary and Secondary Schools across the six Area Councils.

According to him, the Secretariat commenced the training with over 1000 AMAC School Administrators, and will be replicates across the Six Area Councils.

” we have developed a manual, what we want is uniformity both in administration and co – curricula activities. The manual covers every aspects of school of school administration. It is meant for school administrators to implement the content, for our schools to function effectively “

On his part, the Director Administration And Finance of the FCTA Education Secretariat,Mallam Abdulrazaq Onivefu Leramoh expressed delight that the operating manual would serve as a reference point for all School Administrators , thereby making their jobs easier.

Mallam Leramoh pointed out that the training would further broaden the horizon of the participants to garner experiences that would positively be imparted on the pupils and students for greater exploits.

Mallam Leramoh also used the medium to thank the Organizers and the FCT Administration, under the able leadership of the FCT Minister, Malam Muhammad Musa Bello for the opportunity.

He assured that the School Operating Manual, when fully implemented would enhance unification of processes, rules and regulations in all FCT Schools.

In their separate good will messages, the representative of Association Of Primary School Heads of Nigeria, AOPSHON, Nigeria Union Of Teachers (NUT), All Nigeria Confederation Of Principals of Secondary School, ANCOPSS, and School Based Management Committee, SBMC, unanimously expressed their joy , and pledged their members readiness to make good use of the opportunity to improve themselves for effective service delivery in the education sector.

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