
FRSC advises motorists to use alternative routes to and from Southwest as section of Lokoja-Kabba road caves in

The Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, has advised members of the motoring public and general commuters travelling from or to Southwest, through Lokoja-Kabba- Federal Highway to take precaution as a section of the road between Zariagi and Obajana cement factory has caved in.
 The development according to the Assistant Corps MarshalCorps Public Education Officer, FRSC, Bisi Kazeem has led to an obstruction of free flow of traffic.
In a statement, he says, all the concerned authorities are making frantic efforts to carry out emergency repairs to restore normal flow of traffic, as the emergency work may take some hours to complete.

Mr. Kazeem, therefore urges motorists, travelers, and the general public to use Lokoja-Okene-Kabba, or Lokoja-Okene-Ogorimangogo as alternative routes to or fro Southwest.

He says, the FRSC solicits maximum cooperation of the motoring public on this development as the Corps will also continue to update the public periodically on further developments on the ameliorative work going on at the failed portion of the road.

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