
Ground Handlers Seek Urgent Review of Domestic Rates Amidst Economic Challenges and Safety Concerns

Ground Handling Companies in the aviation Industry are urgently seeking a review of domestic handling rates in the country.

They cite the necessity due to factors such as the increasing foreign exchange rates, rising costs of diesel, tickets, security, safety concerns, and broader economic implications.

In a letter addressed to the Director General, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Captain Chris Njomo, the Association of Ground Handling Companies (AGHAN) emphasizes that the current handling rates, last examined in September 2021, have become unsustainable.

They attribute this to fluctuating exchange rates, escalating local costs, and heightened charges imposed by the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN).

The ground handlers assert that these challenges are hindering their ability to maintain safety standards and conduct operations efficiently.

They point out that the current forex rates, standing at N1,360 to a dollar and continually increasing, are impeding their capacity to adhere to international safety standards, posing a threat to the security of equipment, travelers, and the overall aviation industry.

In their plea to the NCAA, the ground handlers appeal for a favorable consideration of the proposed rates, set to come into effect from March 31, 2024.

They stress that this adjustment is crucial to ensuring the ongoing provision of safe and secure ground handling operations.

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