NAFDAC trains staffs…Warns against corrupt practices.

Owing to the sensitivity of the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control, NAFDAC, a three-day workshop on Anti–corruption, Leadership, and Ethical values, has been organized for four Cader officers of the staff of the agency.

They are Directors, Senior, Middle, and Junior staff.

Declaring the workshop open, the Director General, of NAFDAC, Professor Christiana Adeyeye said the training became necessary as it aligns with the World Health Organization, WHO, Global Benchmarking Tool, ISO  19004 for which NAFDAC was audited which also led to the attainment of ML3.

“ The goal according to her is to place consumers at an advantage in the area of health, big businesses and the stakeholders including MSMEs at a vantage point economically “.

Professor Christiana explained that, with the mandate of the agency, without transparency, the regulatory activities would be compromised, hence the training which is meant to serve as a reference point for all staff on how to place a premium on the health and business of customers and building integrity into the agency regulatory framework.

NAFDAC DG pointed out that “ staff training and capacity have been prioritized to improve staff experience as leaders who are responsible for thinking strategically about the future of their departments”

“ I look forward to cross fertilization of ideas deriving from all the exposures that will drastically change the leadership and management landscape of the agency for the better “. Adeyeye

“ Discussions and information shared should be applied effectively in the various areas in the agency”

Presenting a paper on the topic, Emotional Intelligence “, a former Director of Admins Nigerian Railway Corporation, Dr Aminu Gusau, explained that Leadership in the new normal goes beyond the 21st century, nothing that it is not fully accepted in Nigeria and if not addressed, Nigeria will be lagging behind “.

Talking on another topic, “ Integrity, Transparency and Accountability”, the former Coordinating Director in charge of organizational support with EFCC, Dr, Aminu Gusau, pointed out that, the training was not only on new normal but also on anti – corruption and general ethical values.

He said, NAFDAC holds sensitive position as they are in charge of regulatory activities, if corruption should thrive in the agency, people will die because once there is compromise in terms of inspection and fake and unwholesome drugs, the country will be in for it.

“ Dr Gusau notes that, the training is key to the development of Nigeria, the citizens of Nigeria and to the society at large “. Adding that compromise in any way will open the to ridicule, life threatening health challenges and death “.

Dr Gusau advised the participants to embrace emotional intelligence, new technology and develop themselves to be at par with their counterparts in developed countries.