
Radio Nigeria Challenged To Capture Younger Listeners To Sustain Its Reputation

A marketing and Marketing Communication Coach, Mr Boye Adefila has challenged members of staff of Radio Nigeria’s Marketing Directorate to leverage the reputation of the corporation and build on it for posterity.

He gave the advice during a one day training organised for members of the Marketing Directorate, Headquarters Annex, Lagos, as part of effort to boost revenue of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, FRCN.

Mr Adefila who pointed out that Radio Nigeria’s Network strength can also become its weakness urged the participants to leverage on technology to enable Radio Nigeria to connect with the younger generation and those in the Diaspora.

“You must manage your reputation and manage the perception of it. No one says GSM companies anymore, they call themselves Tech companies and get banking licences and they can do anything on the bedrock of technology, so, you have network ability- your biggest strength; you are an aggregator, you are able to aggregate something that is of value and project it nationwide, it is high time Radio Nigeria look at Nigerians in the Diaspora and milk that audience base”

Mr Adefila also urged the management of Radio Nigeria to use some of the network programmes such as Police Diary to not just maintain, but also to sustain its reputation as the most authoritative voice when it comes to news and information about Nigeria.

“You have the authority by law, by your very core, I will expect Police Diary to have hot tips on current security reports across Nigeria, so how are you leveraging that unique selling point?”

The Deputy Director Marketing, Mrs Mowaninuola Edukugho who described the training as a refresher course aimed at boosting staff confidence in the course of carrying out their duties of marketing the Radio Nigeria Network, said points raised by the trainer would further be deliberated upon in-house

Some of the participants noted that the training had reawakened their passion to boost both the image and revenue of Radio Nigeria network in the marketing communication space.

They called for more of such training across board to enable every members of staff of Radio Nigeria to have up to date information about the corporation at their fingertips.

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