
We will comply with FG directive on SIM- NIN linkage……ALTON

The Association of Licensed Telecommunication Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) says it will comply with the directive of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to bar out-going calls on subscriber lines that are not in compliance with the NIN-SIM linkage Policy requirement that all Subscriber Identification Modules (SIMs) must be linked with a National Identification Number (NIN).

A statement signed by the ALTON Chairman Mr Gbenga Adebayo urges telecommunication subscribers who have not obtained and/or linked a NIN to their SIMs, to do so at any of the designated centres.

The statement confirm that ALTON members have received formal directives from the NCC to bar out-going calls on subscriber lines that are not in compliance with the NIN-SIM linkage.

The directive followed multiple extensions of the deadline, which have been granted by the Federal Government to allow subscribers complete the NIN-SIM linkage.

It notes that the members remain committed to supporting the Federal Government of Nigeria and upholding the rights of citizens to communicate, to share information freely and responsibly, and to enjoy privacy and security regarding their data and their use of digital communications.

Chioma Ezike

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