
Work Resumption: Lagos State Civil Servants Hold Prayer Session, Expressed Motivation for Greater Service

Workers resume at their duty posts today after the public holiday declared by the Federal Government to mark the New Year.

This morning at the Lagos State Secretariat in Alausa, Ikeja, workers in the employ of the State government converged on the Adeyemi Beero Auditorium at seven o clock for the annual New Year Prayers before embarking on their official duties.

The two hours service featured both Islamic and Christian exhortations, prayers as well as singing and dancing.

In a remark, the Lagos State Head of Service, Mr Hakeem Muri-Okunola emphasised that the essence of the event was primarily to give thanks to God for seeing them through the difficulties of the past year and to commit into his able hands all the plans and programmes in the Public Service and the State at large, in the New Year.

“I have no doubts whatsoever in my mind that we all have sufficient cause to thank God for His protection, goodness and mercies over us and all that are ours throughout the year, particularly when we reflect on the totality of our individual and collective experiences in Y2022. This annual and traditional event is also our way of coming together to admonish ourselves so that we should consistently deliver and implement government policies so that it translate to deliverables for the good people of Lagos State.

This morning we are taking delivery of one hundred vehicles for our Directors, last year for the first time in the history of the State, Mr Governor approved the
payment of 100% of Basic Salary as Year 2022 End of the Year Bonus, with the
payment of 50% in December 2022 and the remaining 50% in January 2023.
Mr. Governor has also approved the
release of additional 5 Staff Buses into the fleet of the Centralized Staff Bus Scheme.The new buses would cover new routes where they would help to relieve the stress of transportation for the staff in those areas” he said

Mr Muri-Okunola implored the civil servants to pay close attention to their health always and take issues relating to their health very seriously and to perform their civic duties in the forthcoming elections.

He said “As Public Servants, we are required to conduct annual medical examinations. This policy is deliberately designed to help detect health concerns early when it can easily be treated before it becomes too late. Also, let us avail ourselves of the opportunity already provided by the State Government for more accessible healthcare service through the State Health Management Scheme, Y2023 is an election year, another major milestone in the history of Nigeria. Therefore, the need for us to be security and safety conscious, both in our respective MDAs and at our
homes remains very germane. At the same time, we should not run away from
exercising our inalienable constitutional right to vote for candidates of our choice”

In a chat with Radio Nigeria, some of the Civil servants who were enthusiastic to be part of those who have jobs to resume to, described the annual New Year Prayers as very crucial.

Prayers were offered for continued peace in Lagos State and Nigeria as a whole during the event, while the Civil Servants expressed optimism that both the State and the Country’s economy would improve for the better in the new year so that all citizens would thrive in their various endeavours.

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