A group of Conservation professionals has stressed the need to collate reliable data on bird species in the country to strengthen biodiversity.
At a stakeholders meeting in Abuja on Citizen Science Advocacy in Conservation Practices, Dr Alao Mitchell, the Director of Wildlifeife Disease Surveillance and Ecosystem Heath, in the Ministry of Livestock Development, urged Nigerians to engage in environmentally friendly practices.
” According to him, the event is aimed at communicating citizen science data of the species for management and advocacy, adding that,” the data when generated will aid in making policies that will protect animals and humans”.
A Deputy Director in the Ministry of Environment, Mr Aiwuyo Christopher, described birds as essential creatures who help in preserving the environment.
He explained that ” Nigeria has about 975 species of birds which help in pest control, plant pollination and also spread seeds”.
The Executive Director of the Organization, A.P Leventis Foundation Nigeria, Mr. Hope Useita, said, that The organization is in partnership with the Federal government, as some stat, es, and other organizations to train youths and farmers in farming and other relevant skills for self-reliance.”.
On her part, the Manager of the Nigerian Birds Atlas Project, under the A.P Leventis Ornithological Research Institute of the University of Jos, M.rs Talatu Tende, says, “The objective of the project is to raise awareness about the importance of birds within the environment and understand how growth in human population is affecting their population and distribution around the country.
The Head of the Africa Office, of the Tropical Biology Association in Kenya, Mr Anthony Kuria, while sharing his country’s conservation strategies, stated that” the Government of Kenya invests hugely in the wildlife sector which is one of its top revenue earners “.